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Debian 12 Bookworm

0. Introduction

For production using official Debian 12 packages.

1. Requirements

In order to run an official Compute Resource Node (CRN), you will also need the following resources:

  • CPU (2 options):
  • Min. 8 cores / 16 threads, 3.0 ghz+ CPU (gaming CPU for fast boot-up of microVMs)
  • Min. 12 core / 24 threads, 2.4ghz+ CPU (datacenter CPU for multiple concurrent loads)
  • RAM: 64GB
  • STORAGE: 1TB (NVMe SSD preferred, datacenter fast HDD possible under conditions, you’ll want a big and fast cache)
  • BANDWIDTH: Minimum of 500 MB/s

You will need a public domain name with access to add TXT and wildcard records.

💡 This documentation will use the invalid domain name. Replace it when needed.

2. Installation

Run the following commands as root:

First install the VM-Connector using Docker:

apt update
apt upgrade
apt install -y apparmor-profiles
docker run -d -p --restart=always --name vm-connector alephim/vm-connector:alpha

Then install the VM-Supervisor using the official Debian 12 package. The procedure is similar for updates.

# Download the latest release
curl -s | grep "browser_download_url.*deb" | cut -d : -f 2,3 | tr -d \" | sed '1p;d' | xargs wget -P /opt -
# Install it
apt install /opt/aleph-vm.debian-12.deb

Reboot if required (new kernel, ...).


Update the configuration in /etc/aleph-vm/supervisor.env using your favourite editor.


You will want to insert your domain name in the form of:

Network configuration

The network configuration is detected automatically.

The default network interface is detected automatically from the IP routes. You can configure the default interface manually instead by adding:


(don't forget to replace enp0s1 with the name of your default network interface).

You can configure the DNS resolver manually by using one of the following options:


💡 You can instead specify the DNS resolvers used by the VMs using ALEPH_VM_DNS_NAMESERVERS=["", ""].

Volumes and partitions

Two directories are used to store data from the network:

  • /var/lib/aleph/vm contains all the execution and persistent data.
  • /var/cache/aleph/vm contains data downloaded from the network.

These two directories must be stored on the same partition. That partition must meet the minimum requirements specified for a CRN.

💡 This is required due to the software using hard links to optimize performance and disk usage.

Applying changes

Finally, restart the service:

systemctl restart aleph-vm-supervisor

3. Reverse Proxy

We document how to use Caddy as a reverse proxy since it manages and renews HTTPS certificates automatically.

Any other reverse-proxy (Nginx, HAProxy, Apache2, ...) should do the job as well, just make sure to renew the HTTPS/TLS certificates on time.

First, create a domain name that points to the server on IPv4 (A) and IPv6 (AAAA).

This is a simple configuration. For more options, check CONFIGURE_CADDY.

Again, run these commands as root:

 apt install -y debian-keyring debian-archive-keyring apt-transport-https
curl -1sLf '' | gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/caddy-stable-archive-keyring.gpg
curl -1sLf '' | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/caddy-stable.list
apt update
apt install caddy

Then, after replacing the domain with your own, use configure Caddy:

cat >/etc/caddy/Caddyfile <<EOL
    https_port 443
    on_demand_tls {
        interval 60s
        burst    5
} {
    reverse_proxy {
        # Forward Host header to the backend
        header_up Host {host}

Finally, restart Caddy to use the new configuration:

systemctl restart caddy

4. Test

Open https://[YOUR DOMAIN] in a web browser, wait for diagnostic to complete and look for


If you face an issue, check the logs of the different services for errors:


journalctl -f -u aleph-vm-supervisor.service


journalctl -f -u caddy.service


docker logs -f vm-connector

Common errors

"Network interface eth0 does not exist"

Did you update the configuration file /etc/aleph-vm/supervisor.env with ALEPH_VM_NETWORK_INTERFACE equal to the default network interface of your server ?

"Aleph Connector unavailable"

Investigate the installation of the VM-Connector using Docker in step 2.