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Build a Python microVM

This tutorial will guide you through the steps of building a Python microVM to run on the network. We will build a simple HTTP server and add features as we go.

ℹ This tutorial uses the command line interface.


We expect you to know a little Python and have some experience with Python web frameworks such as FastAPI or Flask. The first chapters of the FastAPI Tutorial should cover enough to get started.

To complete this tutorial, you will use the aleph command from aleph-client, the fastapi framework to create a simple API and the uvicorn server to test your program on your desktop before uploading it on

First, you need a recent version of Python and pip, preferably running on Debian 11 or Ubuntu 20.04.

Some cryptographic functionalities of use curve secp256k1 and require installing libsecp256k1. Archiving programs and volumes requires Squashfs user space tools.

  • Linux:

    sudo apt-get install -y python-pip libsecp256k1-dev squashfs-tools

  • macOs:

    brew tap cuber/homebrew-libsecp256k1
    brew install libsecp256k1 squashfs

You will also need Uvicorn for local testing and the Python client for it's command-line tools:

  • Linux/macOs:
pip3 install "uvicorn[standard]" aleph-client fastapi eth_account

Understanding programs programs are applications running on the network. Each program defines the application to be executed, data to use, computing requirements (number of CPUs, amount of RAM) and many more parameters.

Each program is instantiated as a virtual machine running on a Compute Resource Node (CRN). Virtual machines are emulated computer systems with dedicated resources that run isolated from each other. Virtual Machines (VMs) are based on Linux.

We support two types of VMs: microVMs and persistent VMs. MicroVMs boot extremely fast and can be launched on demand. They are perfect for lightweight applications that only run once in a while. Persistent VMs on the other hand are constantly running, making them suited to run larger applications.


The base of each VM is a Linux root filesystem named runtime and configured to run programs on the platform. provides a supported runtime to launch programs written in Python or binaries.

  • Python programs must support the ASGI interface, described in the example below.
  • Binaries must listen for HTTP requests on port 8080

You can find runtimes currently supported by here.


VMs can be extended by specifying additional volumes that will be mounted in the system.

Read-only volumes are useful to separate Python virtual environments, Javascript node_modules or static data from the program itself. These volumes can be updated independently of the program and the runtime, and maintained by a third party.

Ephemeral volumes provide temporary disk storage to a VM during its execution without requiring more memory.

Host persistent volumes are persisted on the VM execution node, but may be garbage collected by the node without warning.

Store persistent volumes (not available yet) are persisted on the network. New VMs will try to use the latest version of this volume, with no guarantee against conflicts.

Write a Python program

To create the first program, open your favourite code editor and create a directory named my-program, containing a file named

└── my-program/

Then write the following code in the file:

from fastapi import FastAPI

app = FastAPI()

async def root():
    return {"message": "Hello World"}

That's it for your first program.

This code comes from the FastAPI tutorial. Have a look at it for a better understanding of what it does and how it works.

Test it locally

Before uploading your program on, let's test it on your machine. uses the standard ASGI interface to interface with programs written in Python. ASGI interfaces with many Python frameworks, including FastAPI but also Django or Quart.

Test your program locally using uvicorn, an ASGI server:

uvicorn main:app --reload

If you are on macOS you can use vagrant to emulate a Linux system:

vagrant ssh

Then go to your working repository and launch:

python -m uvicorn main:app --reload --host=

Then open The --reload option will automatically reload your app when the code changes.

ℹ️ If you are running this on a different system than your desktop, specify the IP address of that system using uvicorn main:app --reload --host, where is the IP address of the system. Then open your browser on instead.

ℹ Installing uvicorn should add the uvicorn command to your shell. If it does not, use python -m uvicorn to run it.

Upload your program on

After installing aleph-client, you should have access to the aleph command:

aleph --help

Let's upload our program. The aleph program CODE_DIR ENTRYPOINT command will package the CODE_DIR code directory and configure the program to run the ENTRYPOINT command. For Python programs, ENTRYPOINT can be the module path to an ASGI application.

This command will upload our Python code and configure main:app as the ASGI application.

aleph program upload ./my-program main:app

Press Enter at the following prompt to use the default runtime:

Ref of runtime ? [bd79839bf96e595a06da5ac0b6ba51dea6f7e2591bb913deccded04d831d29f4]

You should then get a response similar to the following:

Your program has been uploaded on .

Available on:
Visualise on:

You may get the warning Message failed to publish on IPFS and/or P2P. This is common and usually not an issue.

ℹ The second URL uses a hostname dedicated to your VM. identifiers are too long to work for URL subdomains, so a base32 encoded version of the identifier is used instead.

ℹ You can make your own domain point to the VM. See the advanced section.

Run your program

You can now run your program by opening one of the URLs above. Each URL is unique for one program.

This will automatically start your program inside a VM on the Compute Resource Node behind the domain name and serve your request.

An important thing to notice is that we did not install any specific dependency for our program, despite relying on FastAPI. This is because the official runtime is already pre-configured with several typical Python packages. Of course, you can customize your program to add your own requirements. Refer to Adding Python dependencies to a program for more information.

Next steps

Check out the dependency volume page to add additional Python packages to your program from the Python Package Index (PyPI).

Check out Building a Rust microVM to run a program written in another language than Python.

Check out Advanced Python program features for more options and capabilities.