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Aggregates are a global key-value store specific to an account. The mechanism to update an account aggregate is to send an AGGREGATE message.

Each time a new AGGREGATE message is received for a specific account, the nodes update the aggregate for this account.

Like a dictionary update, if a key already exists, it is updated, otherwise it is created.

Content format

The content field of an AGGREGATE message must contain the following fields:

  • address [str]: The address to which the aggregate belongs. See Delegate write access to another account below.
  • key [str]: The user-defined ID of the aggregate.
  • time [float]: The epoch timestamp of the message.
  • content [Dict]: The key/value pairs making up the aggregate, as a dictionary.

Update aggregates

Users can update aggregates by sending additional AGGREGATE messages with the same content key. Updates are ordered by their content time field to match the order in which the user sent the messages originally. The contents of the two messages are merged. Keys already present in the original message will be updated while new keys will be added.


  • Original aggregate content: {"a": 1, "b": 2}
  • Update: {"b": 3, "c": 4}
  • Result: {"a": 1, "b": 3, "c": 4}

Retrieve aggregates

Users can retrieve aggregates by using the /api/v0/aggregates/{address}.json endpoint. Specify the keys URL parameter to filter the response by content key. Example:

GET /api/v0/aggregates/<my-address>.jon?keys=key1,key2

Delegate write access to another account

It is possible for an account to modify the aggregate of another account.

In this case the content.address field would be set to the address of the aggregate's account and would be different from the message sender's address.

To permit delegate write access to a specific key in your aggregates, use the security aggregate as explained in the permissions section.